
Grandparents Returning to Parenthood

From Preface…
We all come into this world for a reason. Truly, there are no accidents. Along the way, we make decisions that take us on or off our paths. My daughter has her path, and I have mine. Once I separated the two and placed my attention on my life and my path, it created a sense of peace. The pressure of trying to figure out my daughter’s next moves was gone. I stopped thinking I knew what was best for her and accepted things as there are.
As I have grown in my new ways, I care less about what others think and how things are supposed to be. I am learning more and more not to take things personally. People can keep their stuff, and I will keep mine. I now refrain from thinking of the past; it’s over. The past honestly has no use. I stopped wondering what will happen in the future. I try to stay in the present and take pleasure in the now.


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